Module ro_py.users

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox users and profiles.

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This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox users and profiles.


import copy
import iso8601
import asyncio
from typing import Callable
from import EventTypes
from ro_py.bases.baseuser import BaseUser
from ro_py.thumbnails import UserThumbnailGenerator
from ro_py.utilities.clientobject import ClientObject

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("users")

class User(BaseUser, ClientObject):
    Represents a Roblox user and their profile.
    Can be initialized with either a user ID or a username.

    I'm in so much pain

    cso : ro_py.client.ClientSharedObject
    user_id : int
            The id of a user.

    def __init__(self, cso, user_id):
        super().__init__(cso, user_id)
        self.cso = cso = user_id = None
        self.description = None
        self.created = None
        self.is_banned = None
        self.display_name = None
        self.thumbnails = UserThumbnailGenerator(cso, user_id)

    async def update(self):
        Updates some class values.
        :return: Nothing
        user_info_req = await self.requests.get(endpoint + f"v1/users/{}")
        user_info = user_info_req.json()
        self.description = user_info["description"]
        self.created = iso8601.parse_date(user_info["created"])
        self.is_banned = user_info["isBanned"] = user_info["name"]
        self.display_name = user_info["displayName"]
        # has_premium_req = requests.get(f"{}/validate-membership")
        # self.has_premium = has_premium_req

class Events:
    def __init__(self, cso, user):
        self.cso = cso
        self.user = user

    def bind(self, func: Callable, event: str, delay: int = 15):
        Binds an event to the provided function.

        func : function
                Function that will be called when the event fires.
        event :
                The name of the event.
        delay : int
                How many seconds between requests.
        if event == EventTypes.on_user_change:
            return asyncio.create_task(self.on_user_change(func, delay))

    async def on_user_change(self, func: Callable, delay: int):
        old_user = copy.copy(await self.user.update())
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)
            new_user = await self.user.update()
            has_changed = False
            for attr, value in old_user.__dict__.items():
                if getattr(new_user, attr) != value:
                    has_changed = True
            if has_changed:
                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                    await func(old_user, new_user)
                    func(old_user, new_user)
                old_user = copy.copy(new_user)


class Events (cso, user)
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class Events:
    def __init__(self, cso, user):
        self.cso = cso
        self.user = user

    def bind(self, func: Callable, event: str, delay: int = 15):
        Binds an event to the provided function.

        func : function
                Function that will be called when the event fires.
        event :
                The name of the event.
        delay : int
                How many seconds between requests.
        if event == EventTypes.on_user_change:
            return asyncio.create_task(self.on_user_change(func, delay))

    async def on_user_change(self, func: Callable, delay: int):
        old_user = copy.copy(await self.user.update())
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)
            new_user = await self.user.update()
            has_changed = False
            for attr, value in old_user.__dict__.items():
                if getattr(new_user, attr) != value:
                    has_changed = True
            if has_changed:
                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                    await func(old_user, new_user)
                    func(old_user, new_user)
                old_user = copy.copy(new_user)


def bind(self, func: Callable, event: str, delay: int = 15)

Binds an event to the provided function.


func : function
Function that will be called when the event fires.
event : EventTypes
The name of the event.
delay : int
How many seconds between requests.
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def bind(self, func: Callable, event: str, delay: int = 15):
    Binds an event to the provided function.

    func : function
            Function that will be called when the event fires.
    event :
            The name of the event.
    delay : int
            How many seconds between requests.
    if event == EventTypes.on_user_change:
        return asyncio.create_task(self.on_user_change(func, delay))
async def on_user_change(self, func: Callable, delay: int)
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async def on_user_change(self, func: Callable, delay: int):
    old_user = copy.copy(await self.user.update())
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(delay)
        new_user = await self.user.update()
        has_changed = False
        for attr, value in old_user.__dict__.items():
            if getattr(new_user, attr) != value:
                has_changed = True
        if has_changed:
            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                await func(old_user, new_user)
                func(old_user, new_user)
            old_user = copy.copy(new_user)
class User (cso, user_id)

Represents a Roblox user and their profile. Can be initialized with either a user ID or a username.

I'm in so much pain


cso : ro_py.client.ClientSharedObject
user_id : int
The id of a user.
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class User(BaseUser, ClientObject):
    Represents a Roblox user and their profile.
    Can be initialized with either a user ID or a username.

    I'm in so much pain

    cso : ro_py.client.ClientSharedObject
    user_id : int
            The id of a user.

    def __init__(self, cso, user_id):
        super().__init__(cso, user_id)
        self.cso = cso = user_id = None
        self.description = None
        self.created = None
        self.is_banned = None
        self.display_name = None
        self.thumbnails = UserThumbnailGenerator(cso, user_id)

    async def update(self):
        Updates some class values.
        :return: Nothing
        user_info_req = await self.requests.get(endpoint + f"v1/users/{}")
        user_info = user_info_req.json()
        self.description = user_info["description"]
        self.created = iso8601.parse_date(user_info["created"])
        self.is_banned = user_info["isBanned"] = user_info["name"]
        self.display_name = user_info["displayName"]
        # has_premium_req = requests.get(f"{}/validate-membership")
        # self.has_premium = has_premium_req



async def update(self)

Updates some class values. :return: Nothing

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async def update(self):
    Updates some class values.
    :return: Nothing
    user_info_req = await self.requests.get(endpoint + f"v1/users/{}")
    user_info = user_info_req.json()
    self.description = user_info["description"]
    self.created = iso8601.parse_date(user_info["created"])
    self.is_banned = user_info["isBanned"] = user_info["name"]
    self.display_name = user_info["displayName"]
    # has_premium_req = requests.get(f"{}/validate-membership")
    # self.has_premium = has_premium_req

Inherited members