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Error handling

You can import exceptions from the roblox.utilities.exceptions module or from the main roblox module:

from roblox.utilities.exceptions import InternalServerError
# or
from roblox import InternalServerError

Client errors

All of the Client.get_TYPE() methods, like get_user() and get_group(), raise their own exceptions.

Method Exception
client.get_asset() AssetNotFound
client.get_badge() BadgeNotFound
client.get_group() GroupNotFound
client.get_place() PlaceNotFound
client.get_plugin() PluginNotFound
client.get_universe() UniverseNotFound
client.get_user() UserNotFound
client.get_user_by_username() UserNotFound

Here is an example of catching one of these exceptions:

    user = await client.get_user_by_username("InvalidUsername!!!")
except UserNotFound:
    print("Invalid username!")

All of these exceptions are subclasses of ItemNotFound, which you can use as a catch-all.

HTTP errors

When Roblox returns an error, raises an HTTP exception.

For example, if we try to post a group shout to a group that we don't the necessary permissions in, Roblox stops us and returns a 401 Unauthorized error:

group = await client.get_group(1)
await group.update_shout("Shout!")
This code will raise an error like this:
roblox.utilities.exceptions.Unauthorized: 401 Unauthorized:

    0: Authorization has been denied for this request.
You can catch this error as follows::
group = await client.get_group(1)
    await group.update_shout("Shout!")
    print("Shout updated.")
except Unauthorized:
    print("Not allowed to shout.")

These are the different types of exceptions raised depending on the HTTP error code Roblox returns:

HTTP status code Exception
400 BadRequest
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
429 TooManyRequests
500 InternalServerError

All of these exceptions are subclasses of the HTTPException error, which you can use as a catch-all. For other unrecognized error codes, will fallback to the default HTTPException.

Getting more error information

For all HTTP exceptions, exposes a response attribute so you can get the response information:

group = await client.get_group(1)
    await group.update_shout("Shout!")
    print("Shout updated.")
except Unauthorized as exception:
    print("Not allowed to shout.")
    print("URL:", exception.response.url)
Roblox also returns extra error data, which is what you see in the default error message. We can access this with the .errors attribute, which is a list of ResponseError:
group = await client.get_group(1)
    await group.update_shout("Shout!")
    print("Shout updated.")
except Unauthorized as exception:
    print("Not allowed to shout.")
    if len(exception.errors) > 0:
        error = exception.errors[0]
        print("Reason:", error.message)