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Contains classes related to 3D thumbnails.


Represents a user's 3D Thumbnail data. For more info, see


Name Type Description
mtl ThumbnailCDNHash

A CDN hash pointing to the MTL data.

obj ThumbnailCDNHash

A CDN hash pointing to the OBJ data.

textures List[ThumbnailCDNHash]

A list of CDN hashes pointing to PNG texture data.

camera ThreeDThumbnailCamera

The camera object.

aabb ThreeDThumbnailAABB

The AABB object.

Source code in roblox/
class ThreeDThumbnail:
    Represents a user's 3D Thumbnail data.
    For more info, see

        mtl: A CDN hash pointing to the MTL data.
        obj: A CDN hash pointing to the OBJ data.
        textures: A list of CDN hashes pointing to PNG texture data.
        camera: The camera object.
        aabb: The AABB object.

    def __init__(self, shared: ClientSharedObject, data: dict):
        self._shared: ClientSharedObject = shared

        self.mtl: ThumbnailCDNHash = self._shared.delivery_provider.get_thumbnail_cdn_hash(data["mtl"])
        self.obj: ThumbnailCDNHash = self._shared.delivery_provider.get_thumbnail_cdn_hash(data["obj"])
        self.textures: List[ThumbnailCDNHash] = [
            self._shared.delivery_provider.get_thumbnail_cdn_hash(cdn_hash) for cdn_hash in data["textures"]
        ] ThreeDThumbnailCamera = ThreeDThumbnailCamera(data["camera"])
        self.aabb: ThreeDThumbnailAABB = ThreeDThumbnailAABB(data["aabb"])

__init__(self, shared: ClientSharedObject, data: dict) special

Source code in roblox/
def __init__(self, shared: ClientSharedObject, data: dict):
    self._shared: ClientSharedObject = shared

    self.mtl: ThumbnailCDNHash = self._shared.delivery_provider.get_thumbnail_cdn_hash(data["mtl"])
    self.obj: ThumbnailCDNHash = self._shared.delivery_provider.get_thumbnail_cdn_hash(data["obj"])
    self.textures: List[ThumbnailCDNHash] = [
        self._shared.delivery_provider.get_thumbnail_cdn_hash(cdn_hash) for cdn_hash in data["textures"]
    ] ThreeDThumbnailCamera = ThreeDThumbnailCamera(data["camera"])
    self.aabb: ThreeDThumbnailAABB = ThreeDThumbnailAABB(data["aabb"])


Represents AABB data in a 3D thumbnail. Roblox uses this data to calculate the maximum render distance used when rendering 3D thumbnails.

THREE.Vector3(json.aabb.max.x, json.aabb.max.y, json.aabb.max.z).length() * 4;


Name Type Description
min ThreeDThumbnailVector3

The minimum render position.

max ThreeDThumbnailVector3

The maximum render position.

Source code in roblox/
class ThreeDThumbnailAABB:
    Represents AABB data in a 3D thumbnail.
    Roblox uses this data to calculate the maximum render distance used when rendering 3D thumbnails.
    THREE.Vector3(json.aabb.max.x, json.aabb.max.y, json.aabb.max.z).length() * 4;

        min: The minimum render position.
        max: The maximum render position.

    def __init__(self, data: dict):
        self.min: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["min"])
        self.max: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["max"])

__init__(self, data: dict) special

Source code in roblox/
def __init__(self, data: dict):
    self.min: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["min"])
    self.max: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["max"])


Represents a camera in a 3D thumbnail.


Name Type Description
fov float

The camera's field of view.

position ThreeDThumbnailVector3

The camera's position.

direction ThreeDThumbnailVector3

The camera's direction.

Source code in roblox/
class ThreeDThumbnailCamera:
    Represents a camera in a 3D thumbnail.

        fov: The camera's field of view.
        position: The camera's position.
        direction: The camera's direction.

    def __init__(self, data: dict):
        self.fov: float = data["fov"]
        self.position: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["position"])
        self.direction: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["direction"])

__init__(self, data: dict) special

Source code in roblox/
def __init__(self, data: dict):
    self.fov: float = data["fov"]
    self.position: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["position"])
    self.direction: ThreeDThumbnailVector3 = ThreeDThumbnailVector3(data["direction"])


Represents a Vector3 used in a 3D thumbnail.


Name Type Description
x float

The X component of the vector.

y float

The Y component of the vector.

z float

The Z component of the vector.

Source code in roblox/
class ThreeDThumbnailVector3:
    Represents a Vector3 used in a 3D thumbnail.

        x: The X component of the vector.
        y: The Y component of the vector.
        z: The Z component of the vector.

    def __init__(self, data: dict):
        self.x: float = data["x"]
        self.y: float = data["y"]
        self.z: float = data["z"]

__init__(self, data: dict) special

Source code in roblox/
def __init__(self, data: dict):
    self.x: float = data["x"]
    self.y: float = data["y"]
    self.z: float = data["z"]